Thursday, September 18, 2008

No electricity!!

We had 80mph winds here on Sunday! It left some 400,000 residents without power. A lot of power has been restored, but sadly not ours. It was cool for the first 2 days, hang out on the patio, have a bbq, eat by candelight...but now DAY 5 and no power. It's getting very, very frustrating. Cold showers, no morning coffee, no clean laundry, plus a lot of our food will need to be tossed :(. This really, really sucks.


Cinnamon said...

yikes! I hate it when that happens! I don't mind not having light and TV but I NEED my coffee!!


Drizzly said...

I know what you mean. Our block lucked out,, but I could not believe how much IKE we got this far east and north ( ohio).

Gotta have my internet and coffee LOL!!


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