Tuesday, September 9, 2008


My favorite class ever. Seriously my brain hurts!! Who knew after 13 years since taking this class it would be so hard! Not only is it difficult, the teacher is very high-strung, and the class is full of wannabe thugs. I sit in front just to avoid having to look at their butts hanging out of the back of their chairs. Seriously, pull your pants - NO ONE thinks you look cute, and no one wants to know you are wearing "Monday" boxers on a Thursday! While I am at it, take the tag off your hat! Do you plan on returning it after wear it? I certainly hope not. What a lovely fad.

I love college. I love college...really I do!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Haha! Yeah I am about to go back to school as well but hopefully I can take most of my classes on line. I know I can take the maths...Isn't there a dress code? lol Good luck.

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