Sunday, September 7, 2008

I have the cutest pets in the world!

The cats are Luna, Stella and Bruce! They are always doing something naughty, and love to pester me!

Bruce is needy and lazy, but he is adorable and loves to cuddle - ALL 15 POUNDS OF HIM LOL! Luna spends the day chasing her tailing, and sleeping. Stella lays on her back most of the day - very odd for a cat...the little hussy!


J said...

awwww...they're too cute.

Carrie said...

you're cats are soooo cute. i have a tabby, appropriately named Tabitha, Tabby for short lol. She looks almost identical to the one in your picture on the top, the one on her back. Ours loves to lay on her back too! what's up with that?!! Carrie
Surgical Nurse Musings

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