Saturday, September 13, 2008

Strange weather!

We are definetly being affected by hurricane Ike!! It is rainy and very windy here! I was hoping for a nice almost fall weekend. I should just be thankful we do not live anywhere near Texas! I can't imagine what those people are going through. I really feel for the people with a lot of pets! It's hard enough to get yourself and your children out of there. A lot of people stay behind because of their animals. That would be me, I would rather die with them than leave them behind!!


- said...

I'm with you on this one! We live on the gulf coast and wouldn't dream of leaving without the fur babies. We know all the hotels that allow them!

There's an award waiting for you over on my Shrinking Pamelalala blog. Stop by and collect it!

Lisa said...

I just moved back to WV from Florida and I sure am glad. We have had cooler weather the past two rain yet! I'm glad everyone is safe in your area.

Mrs Koz said...

Glad to hear you are all safe.. I wish we could have a whole pile of dogs, but our current living conditions prevent that. Even though our 6 yr old pleads with us daily for a puppy of her own.

Aren't the furry ones the most? All heart!

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